About Us
Welcome to the Elmley Dray School website. We are so proud of what we have been able to achieve by opening Elmley Dray School to serve the children and young people in the surrounding areas.
Elmley Dray School is focused on supporting children aged between 9 years and 19 years of age, who have a diagnosis of autism or have autistic traits together with difficulties with the regulations of mental health in particular with levels of anxiety. We are also able to help learners with FASD and other autistic co-morbid difficulties, so we try to help a wide range of children and young adults.
Designed to be a home from home for our learners, there is to be no more than 40 learners over ten academic years. Students will work in groups of no more than eight, but the normal size will be six in any academic key stage. Students sensory requirements are met through a small learning environment which includes a sensory room, outdoor space and a therapy garden. All qualified teachers are trained in autism, or are experts by experience; have qualifications in mental health and have experience of working within the SEND community.
We believe Elmley Dray is a unique school which is child centred and focused on making a difference to all its students. This is achievable with the commitment and dedication of the staff.
We are very excited about what the future holds for Elmley Dray School and the community it serves. If you would like to know more about us, or join our Professional Advisory Team, please get in touch via email on info@elmleydrayschool.co.uk.
Meet the team
Emily Hollis MBE - Head of School
DSL, SENDCo, First Aider, H&S, Senior Attendance Champion, DT, SMHL, MHFA
Hayley Furnell - Deputy Head
IT Manager, DDSL H&S
Beth Lanning - SEN specialist teacher
Wellbeing Support, Eco and Numeracy (KS2/3), forest school first aider
Angharad Harry - SEN specialist teacher
Eco, Literacy and Careers
Jennie Herbert - HLTA
First Aider and PE
Emily Skinner - TA and medical assistant
Library, Literacy and Numeracy (support)
Sam Gray - TA
Enrichment and PE
Winnie - Wellbeing Dog