Vision, Ethos & Values
Our vision is to provide a school community which provides children and young people with the opportunity to be truly accepted, understood and supported to fulfil their potential. We prepare them to become inclusive and contributing members of our community and leave Elmley Dray School with the range of skills, experiences and qualifications which will enable them to successfully transition into adulthood through employment, further education or training.
We provide the environment, the staffing and the opportunity to allow each student to develop and grow at a pace they can sustain towards the achievement of skills for life, their qualifications as well as becoming well-rounded and fulfilled unique individuals.
To achieve this vision, we create an environment which is nurturing, supportive and responsive to the individual needs of our students.
For our learners, every day is a new day; acceptance, empathy and good humour is embedded throughout our school approach.
We are a Values Based School.
Values based education is an approach to teaching that works by focusing on values. It creates a positive and strong learning environment that enhances academic achievement and focuses on a continual and structured cross curricular development of students' social, emotional and interpersonal skills.
This positive learning environment is achieved through values that are continually modelled by staff through demonstration of best practice.
The values staff model to develop learner social, moral and spiritual characteristics include:
• Respect
• Patience
• Kindness
• Teamwork
• Honesty
• Curiosity
• Acceptance
• Tolerance
• Resilience
• Empathy
We achieve these values by teaching children the importance of being part of a wider community.
We ask that everyone in our community at Elmley Dray School to -
• Respect yourself
• Respect others
• Respect the environment