Key Stage 4 and 5

Our Curriculum

At The Elmley Dray School we aim to provide an engaging and exciting curriculum which is built on the foundations of promoting good levels of attendance and engagement and the holistic delivery of therapies and emotional intelligence. The curriculum has a clear approach to the development of both spoken and written language for children who are identified with speech, language and communication difficulties.

We aim to engage our students in deep learning experiences across the curriculum through a clear progression of skills and knowledge coupled with strong links across curriculum subjects and varied learning experiences through enrichment opportunities.

We have a clear approach to the teaching and learning of core subjects, which we identify as English, Mathematics, Science, ICT, Personal and Social Development with the intent to support student well-being and provide children with life skills that will help them towards accreditation. We are very lucky to have an on site a developing learning outside the classroom area and access to a modern kitchen for teaching cookery for health and wellbeing.

Implementation of the curriculum is driven through clear rolling progressive pathways which are designed to motivate, engage and challenge students to achieve. 

Clear feedback will show learners what they have done well and indeed what could be better. Students are encouraged to assess their own progress within lessons as well as contribute to the assessment of class achievements.

At The Elmley Dray School, we believe in the importance of both a traditional academic curriculum, that gives students the essential knowledge they need to be educated citizens, and a curriculum that promotes our values, (Policies). By focusing on these principles, our students are fully prepared for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences needed to gain qualifications, supporting students to think independently, creatively and holistically and thereby enrich their later lives.

The balanced and broad curriculum we offer is designed to ensure the incremental development of both knowledge and skills. But, at the heart of our curriculum is a clear focus on the core knowledge, (which centres on literary, numeracy and reading skills), needed by all students, no matter what their personal barriers, to make good progress.

Within Key Stage 4 and 5 we work towards accreditation and we work with those to achieve qualification past year 11 if they have not been able to achieve or overcome barriers towards functional skills and GCSE pathways within Key Stage 4.

Key Stage 4 and 5

Art, Craft and Design Technology

Art Bronze

Art, craft and design within The Elmley Dray School is designed to engage, inspire and challenge students, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.

Art, craft and design reflects our history, shapes our future and contributes to the creativity and culture of our nation as well that of others.

Our curriculum aims to ensure that all students:

  1. produce creative work,
  2. exploring their ideas and recording their experiences
  3. become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques
  4. evaluate and analyse creative works
  5. using the language of art, craft and design
  6. know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and
  7. understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.

Within Key Stage 4 and 5, students are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the programme of study.

Within The Elmley Dray School, Art, craft and design is taught to develop their creativity and ideas, and increase proficiency in their execution. Students have opportunities to meet a range of local artists, and visit Art Galleries to appreciate past and current artists, architects, designers and crafters. Students will create projects so that they are able to develop a critical understanding of artists' work, expressing reasoned judgements that can inform their own work.

The Elmley Dray School Key Stage 4 and 5 students are taught to use a range of techniques to record their observations in sketchbooks, journals and other media as a basis for exploring their ideas

  1. to use a range of techniques and media, including painting
  2. to increase their proficiency in the handling of different materials
  3. to analyse and evaluate their own work, and that of others, in order to strengthen the visual impact or applications of their work about the history of art, craft, design and architecture, including periods, styles and major movements from ancient times up to the present day.

Information and Communication Technology

ICT Digital Functional Skills

This is a practical course which has its basis in developing safe working practices when using Information and Communication Technology.

The Elmley Dray School provides learners with ICT skills to help them gain the most from life, learning and work. The programme of study ensures that students gain ICT skills when

  1. using ICT systems,
  2. finding and selecting information, developing, and presenting and communicating information
  3. apply their knowledge and understanding to everyday life

The programme provides skills of being able to engage competently and confidently with others, solve problems in both familiar and unfamiliar situations as well as develop as positive citizens who can actively contribute to society.

Within the programme of work, students complete an Online Safety Course and learn about maintaining personal safeguarding with knowledge of radicalisation and extremism, protecting their own data and information as well as ensuring that students are aware of personal responsibilities when using any information and communication technology.


    English GCSE Language

    English Functional Skills

    Reading, writing, and spoken language is at the heart of everything we do at The Elmley Dray School; we believe that securing a strong foundation and engagement in literacy is vital to maximise life chances for our children.

    Teaching children to communicate their ideas and emotions effectively, will equip them with the skills they need to further their learning, within and outside the school curriculum, and to participate fully, with confidence, as a member of society.

    Across the school we aim to inspire an appreciation of high-quality, ambitious texts - which develop a knowledge of themselves and the wider world. We aim to foster a love of books so that children develop a habit of reading for pleasure that will be sustained throughout their lifetime.


    GCSE History

    At the Elmley Dray School, History is about having knowledge and understanding of Britain's past and that of the wider world. The aim is to create a curiosity about the past, and how this affects our future.

    History helps students to understand the complexity of the developing cultures, religions and attitudes of society as well as explaining the complexity of communities.


    GCSE Maths

    Maths Functional Skills

    Maths is a crucial part of our day at The Elmley Dray School and we believe that with structured teaching and learning experiences, our students can develop a love of learning and be proud of their Mathematics achievements.

    A real love or hate subject area amongst our students, The Elmley Dray School works hard to create a clear understanding of how important the mastery of mathematical facts and concepts will support them as young adults.

    Physical Education

    Physical Education within the Elmley Dray School is taught within Key Stage Groups and accesses resources on the Isle of Sheppey. Students are given the opportunity to take part in a range of different sports and physical activities, to improve balance and core strength, team working skills, listening skills, self motivation, hand eye co-ordination, accuracy, stamina and recovery rates. Students will be able to take part in a number of activities including, but not limited to: Circuit training, table tennis, Pilates, couch to 5k, Kwik cricket and a range of reaction games.

    Personal, Social and Health Education - Relationships and Sex Education

    Jigsaw Scheme

    Stage 1

    Stage 2

    Stage 3

    Stage 4

    The Elmley Dray School Personal, Social and Health Education as well as the Relationships and Sex Education focuses on these areas

    1. Valuing different family structures
    2. Creating and maintaining positive friendships
    3. Developing safe and respectful relationships
    4. Understanding the changes that take place during puberty
    5. Promoting good health and carrying out first aid
    6. Learning to make independent choices and not be influenced by others
    7. Operating safely in a digital world


    GCSE Science Biology

      Science at The Elmley Dray School aims to teach children to be inquisitive about the world, acquiring skills and knowledge to gain understanding of scientific processes. We believe that children should acquire scientific skills and knowledge through practical learning: using equipment, explaining concepts and conducting experiments confidently and enthusiastically, gaining a lifelong love of science. We aim to give the children a strong and relatable understanding of the uses and implications of science today but also in the future. This allows children to build their knowledge, encouraging them to develop their skills and apply them to all aspects of their learning.

      We hope this helps them question the world around them, become ambitious and independent learners, exploring all possible answers to questions they have about the world around them.

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